Final Fantasy Mascot Strap Cloud Strife

4:29:00 PM cc 0 Comments

Hello, this is a post on the new official Cloud mascot strap. This guy isn't in the US Square-Enix store but they do have the trading arts mini figures of it which is a bigger version of the strap.

This guy is TINY and the price is 1200 yen for it which is quite pricey in my opinion. I've taken a photo of him with my small hand just to give you a sense of how big he is. He is under an inch overall in size. The strap comes with a loop strap and a headphone jack.

This chibi style is from the new World of Final Fantasy game and I really think the style is super cute. I like it more than the Theatrhythm style chibi. I do really like it and hope they release the rest of the characters. I wouldn't mind getting the mini figures if the straps isn't happening.

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