Dark Souls 3 Locations and Bosses

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Since Dark Souls 3 is out in Japan, I have kept track of areas and the bosses so hope it helps some people out. Obviously this is going to be major spoilers! Please don't proceed to read the rest of this post if you don't want to get spoiled

Because the game is in Japanese, I do not know the official translated names of some locations (in parentheses) , but I will provide the Japanese text and my own crappy translations of those areas.

(Cemetary of Ash)
Boss: Iudex Gundyr
火継ぎの祭祀場 (Firelink Shrine)
(High Wall of Lothric)
Boss: Vordt of the Boreal Valley
(Undead Settlement)
Boss: Curse-rotted Greatwood
生贄の道 (Road of Sacrifices) →
Boss: Crystal Sage
(Farron Keep)
Boss: Abyss Watchers
(Cathedral of the Deep)
Boss: Deacons of the Deep
カーサスの地下墓 (Catacombs of Carthus)
Boss: High Lord Wolnir
→ 燻りの湖 Smouldering Lake (Demon Ruins)
Boss: Old Demon King

アノール・ロンド (Anor Londo) ←
Boss: Devourer of Gods Aldritch

冷たい谷のイルシール (Irithyill of the Boreal Valley)
Boss: Pontiff Sulyvahn

イルシールの地下牢 (Irithyill Dungeon)

→ 古竜の頂 
Ancient Dragon of the Summit
(Archdragon Peak)
Boss: Ancient Wyvern, The Nameless King

罪の都 City of Sin (Profaned Capital)
Boss: Yhorm the Giant
Boss: Dancer of the Boreal Valley
(Lothric Castle)
Boss: Dragonslayer Armor
→ 妖王の庭 
(Royal Garden)
Boss: The Consumed King Oceiros
→ 無縁墓地
Potter's field
(Untended Graves)
Boss: Champion Gundyr
Great Archive
(Grand Archives)
Boss: Elder Prince Lorian, Younger Prince Lothric
(Kiln of the First Flame)
Boss: 王たちの化身 Incarnation of Kings

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