Final Fantasy Mobius Ability Cards

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This game's ability card is quite confusing since its has many things going on. So first off, when you look into a card there are 3 screens: the art, ability + skill seed, and auto ability.

The 2nd screen, the top 1/3 has basic information: card name, current level, max level, and information (character description, limited time, what seed type it produces). Below that is the ability info which describes the attack ( job type, all to single enemy attack, element, debuff). Below is element type, attack power, break power, critical (star rating), and expanded skills. Expanded skills need to be unlocked and the conditions are shown when you tap n' hold on the skill icon. These skills will buff up your card. Most skills need you to level up your ability level before unlocking which happens at the end of battles or use the エキスパライト card which looks like lightbulb. Yes, Ability also has its own level. Lower star cards seem to have the ability leveled through regular leveling and seed synthesizing, but on a 5 star card you will need to use Revival Tickets. The only way to level is using extras of the same card and synthesizing them.

At the bottom is the skill seed that the card produces after a battle. This also has its own level and it can be easily done by synthesizing any card of the same element as the card you are leveling up.

The 3rd screen has the same top info as the 2nd screen. Below it are the auto abilities which are another set of buffs. Some cards will have one or more hidden abilities which you need to synthesize fractal フラクタル cards to unlock. You can keep synthesizing fractal cards if you want a different ability. This is what separates it from the expanded skill is that you can sort of choose what skill to have though it is random.

Leveling up cards is the most annoying thing about this game personally, and I wouldn't be surprised if they added more to it in the future. 

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