Final Fantasy Mobius Status Effects

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Status effects can either strengthen, weaken, or neutralize you or the enemy during battle. I haven't been able to find a full icon list so I will opt to use the one in the wiki for now.

バリア: Barrier, defense power
ブレイブ: Brave, attack power
フェイス: Faith, magic power
ブースト: Boost, Break power
 リジェネ: Regen, HP recovery each turn
 ドレイン: Drain, HP gain from attacking
 スナイプ: Snipe, Critical power
 フォース: Number of elements

ヘイスト: Haste, number of attack moves per turn
ベール: Bale, resistance of weakness 
バーサク: Berserk, defense lower but attack and magic power is up
ウォール: Wall, not take any damage

バイオ: Bio, take poison damage
カーズ: Cars(?), magic down
スタン: Stan, lose a turn
スロウ: Slow, lose number of attack moves
ウィーク: Weakness resistance down
ノーガード: No guard, neutralize defense power
スランプ: Slump, Break power down

Please comment if I've missed any. I will not list every debuff, or neutralizing effect.

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