I Love Coffee Street Charming of Special Guest Himiko Level 5

10:27:00 PM cc 0 Comments

Correct answers:

Care for a sweet drink?

This honey bread is fresh out of the oven. Would you like a taste?

The cats at your shrine are so cute, they've become the talk of the town.

How about raising cats?

Can you do the ceremonial dance, too?

What do you think is the best things about being a miko?

There must be a lot of things to learn to be a full-time miko.

Are you planning to be a miko for the rest of your life?

This honey bread is fresh out of the oven. Would you like a taste?

Wrong answers:

What do you think of other religions?

I'm planning to throw a tea party.

Is your family supportive about you being a miko?

Don't you think you've studied too hard to become just a miko?

Tea and rice crackers. Isn't it great?

You know, men often have fantasies about mikos.

I worry that you work too hard sometimes

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