CalNaturale Svelte Chocolate Organic Protein Shake

9:25:00 PM cc 0 Comments

Wanted to try a protein shake so I got this at Whole Foods and it was almost $3 for this 11 fl oz box. It has the USDA organic stamp and is certified gluten free. It is made with organic soy milk rice solids, dried sugar cane, organic cocoa powder, inulin probitoic, and vitamins and minerals. It has 11g of protein and inulin is a probiotic that provides fiber.

The taste was weird at first. It has the kind of creamy chocolate milk taste, but with the aftertaste of medicine. Its like a vitamin capsule crushed into powder and mixed with this. I wouldn't say its terrible so I've had worst tasting drinks before, but I don't think people would normally describe it as tasty. Like I said before I haven't had a protein shake before so if this is what they're like then I suppose its good.

Wasn't able to really finish this in one sitting, and only drank half of it. That half was able to ward off the hunger, but its not filling. Not use to having milky drinks as just a meal so it was a bit uncomfortable in my stomach to not have solids. I do like that it has a probiotic which is why I choose this over the other one, but I will try others just to compare.

So far, if you want a drink to be organic and probiotic I would go for this and just deal with the taste. Personally I don't find it bad though its not something I would really crave.

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