Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (Gyakuten Saiban 5)

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Dual Destinies is the 7th AA game, and first game in this series to be on the 3DS. It sets a year after Apollo Justice. Lots of things are different, but not in a bad way. The biggest change so far is the art style. The opening is an actual full on animation, and voice acting. The sprites are no longer 2D, but 3D in a anime style. Though the 3D does have much fluid and dynamic animations, the design for Phoenix is really disappointing to me. I would like it more if Phoenix didn't look so off. The usual courtroom is also got a more grandiose look to it. Another big difference is having more than one protagonist perspective since both Phoenix and Apollo have their own roles. Also there's a new assistant character, her name is Athena Cykes, a rookie attorney who works with Apollo and Phoenix. The music is also updated along with the graphics, but the songs are still mainly the same as the originals. The gameplay is still practically the same though now you can travel anywhere by choosing it on the list instead of going to one area to get to the area you need to be.

First case, a bomb is set off right in the courtroom. A friend of Athena is being suspected as the one who set it off and you need to prove her innocent. This is the usual tutorial part where you learn how to play the game, and any new features. Since Athena is the rookie, she takes the lead part. She also has a super power-like talent where she can help you tell what emotion the witness is feeling. This new feature is called Mood Matrix where Athena starts her "counseling" with the witness, and you see visuals f their memories and there are emoticons on the corners to indicate what emotions they are feeling. It took a little to get use to, but basically you have to point out what is out of place within the visual or the emotion with their testimony. You'd have to do this a few times until all the noise is gone. I personally am not a fan of these weird "talents" going on since they seem intrusive. Phoenix takes over the case for Athena, and yes he's back as a lawyer.

The second case goes back in time a bit where we be as Apollo. Trucy drags him with her to her friend's event in the mountains. The opening scene features two yokai battling, and one being sealed. Athena's friend is the first to find the murder scene and calls for help. Apollo decides takes the case to defend Trucy's friend's father who is being suspected as the murderer. Athena is newly requited and joins Apollo on the case. Its mainly those two so their powers are utilized a few times. The appearance of the new prosecutor and detective are in this case as well. I do miss the Gumshoe, but this new detective is just as incompetent as Gumshoe. The opening scene shows who exactly is the murderer so there's no need to figure that out. Though this case is quite long it does take a bit to get to the murderer. This case really didn't interest me at all so it was tough for me to get through this case. Presenting the final evidence was also quite dramatic done. The breakdown was very unimpressive, and I'm not sure if its the 3D model's fault or not.

So now to the 3rd case, this takes place between the first and 2nd case. Phoenix, Apollo, and Athena are invited as guests to a law academy school, and Phoenix and Athena happen upon a dead body who was the person they were suppose to have a meeting with. This case is mainly seen through Athena's eyes this time. Also Athena's friend from the first case is attending the school as well, but her appearance is a bit different. Also the prosecutor from Apollo Justice game is in this case as well. This case is much more interesting than the previous one. It revolves around 3 close friends one being Athena's friend. The breakdown of the culprit is not bad as well.

The 4th case starts off with a trial this time and this is the trial that was bombed at the beginning of the game. This trail is through Apollo's view since the suspect is a acquaintance of his. An astronaut suspected in killing his partner during then explosions at the space center. After the trail, it takes place after the first case is over, and we're finally back in Phoenix's point of view! We continue with the case on the astronaut. The Magatama Psyche Locks are back as well. This case is quite short since its only just two trials and one investigation and the usual is 2 of each. The end leads to the next case.

The 5th case is the continuation of the 4th case so Phoenix is still the one defending the suspect.Though this case gets a bit more complicated. Like with the other games, there's a past case that is connected so we must solve that in order to solve the current case. The best thing about this case is that some old friends make an appearance which really makes this game great to me. At least their 3D models look pretty good unlike Phoenix. The real culprit gets revealed here and I have to say it was spoiled for me all thanks to Youtube comments. NEVER read the comments! Though I have to say that it didn't really impress me since its a bit too similar to a previous game. But its not bad though the breakdown was a bit unsatisfying. This case is actually the end of the game, but there is a DLC case!

So the DLC case is about Phoenix's first case after getting his badge back. It should take place between the 2nd and 3rd case. This case is weird in that Phoenix is defending an orca who is accused of killing the owner of the aquarium. Even though there are actual cases of orcas killing people due to the mental instability of captivity does to these creatures, this fictional case plays it the opposite way. This orca is a friendly playful orca who wouldn't hurt a fly. This case is a tad similar to the circus one in the 2nd Ace Attorney game, but its still interesting and unique in its own way. The breakdown is not to bad either. Overall this DLC case is pretty good.

This game is not bad and is certainly better than Apollo Justice's game. The story and cases is unique and different, but also not really. Its definitely gotten a bit silly. I didn't really feel as invested in this game as the first games did. Though some people find this game to be the best in the series so I suppose its mixed. I do recommend it though, but I'd say that for any of the AA games, haha.

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