Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (Gyakuten Kenji)

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Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. This is the fifth game of the Ace Attorney series and this time we're switching sides and following Miles Edgeworth. This game takes place after Trails and Tribulations and Apollo Justice. The biggest change is having the character images face to the side instead of at you, and little sprites of characters. Its still pretty much the same as the previous games though things are changed due to that we're prosecutors and not defense attorneys. We gather facts and leads at the crime scene, and through logic we have to connect the facts to gain new information. You also spot contradictions and present them and Edgeworth yells "Eureka!" I have to admit I still don't like his English voice.

This game has 4 cases and one extra case that unlocks after finishing the other four. In the first case, Edgeworth returns from being abroad and enters his office only to see a dead body there. Someone is also there with him and threatened him before he escaped. Investigation immediately starts as the forensic team are working hard in Edgeworth's office and good 'ol Gumshoe arrives. We have to go through the tutorial through this case, but it isn't too bad. We hardly need to go anywhere so finding information isn't too hard. Then comes the rebuttal where we face the murderer and prove he did the crime. It is strange to not be in court at all, but the gameplay is still the same. This case is relatively short, and it leads to the next case.

The second case happens two days before the first case and it happens mainly on a airplane. Edgeworth suddenly blacks out for a bit, and woke up to find a man murdered in the elevator in the plane. Yes, its quite a high tech airplane with floors. Edgeworth is accused to be the murderer so you must prove his innocence. This case is a bit short too compare to the usual cases in previous games.

The third case a kidnapping case where Edgeworth tries to find the kidnapper in a Blue Badger theme park. This case takes place a day before the first case. There he meets Kay who will play the usual young female sidekick role. She just tags along for some reason. Interpol suddenly shows up and hinders your investigation a bit, but Edgeworth continues with the case.

The forth case is a flashback to 7 years ago so young Edgeworth is back. This time the crime took place in the courtroom and this is probably the closest to being in actual court as we can get in this game. Much of the backstory to what we've learned so far is in this case which will lead to the fifth and last case.

Back to present time finally, Edgeworth goes along with Kay to Yatagarasu's planned place to steal from according to the newpapers. The place is the embassy of two fictional European countries. There also happens to be a Steel Samurai performance going on as well. Arson and murder happens and Edgeworth will finally bring Yatagarasu and the smuggling ring case to a close. This case is super long compare to the previous cases so this game is just as long as the other games. I do find this last case to be stretching it in terms of time though its fitting and I was just impatient.

Overall, this game is decent but not sure if it stands as a stand alone game. I feel it people would need to have play the first 3 games in order to really enjoy it. Also liking Edgeworth since he's the main character. His background and the recurring characters are given a brief history description as well. Its quite an entertaining game for what it is so would recommend it for the Ace Attorney fans.

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