Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations (Gyakuten Saiban 3)

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Trials and Tribulations is the third game to the Ace Attorney series, and takes place nearly a year after the second game, Justice for All. I want to say that after checking with the Japanese version of these games, the English translation isn't really that off as I thought. Only small details were changed, as well as some of the comedy but everything else is pretty good. The only real big difference is the location in which the US version is set in America while the Japanese is in Japan. One of the characters in the Japanese version goes abroad in America which obviously can't work in the US version so they changed it to another country.

The first case, as usual, is the tutorial. Unlike the second game, this one isn't long. I really like this first case because its in the past of when Mia and Phoenix first met. Mia is now the rookie defense attorney, and Phoenix is surprisingly enough the suspect for murder. Both Mia and Phoenix look a lot younger in this case which is pretty adorable. Mia even slams on the table like Phoenix does so we know Phoenix got that from her. These small things is just what makes this case likeable to me.

The second case is a bit weird. Like the previous games, Maya and her family history is mainly involved, but whats different about it is that Maya isn't a suspect but a victim. The biggest difference is no one is murdered. We learn in this case that Edgeworth isn't even in the country so we have a new prosecutor to fight against. Like most of the prosecutors in this game, they are rude and arrogant. This case is quite interesting and clever so I won't say anymore of it to avoid spoilers.

The third case has a returning client that you defended in the 2nd game. Maggey has been accused or murder (again), and got a guilty verdict by Phoenix Wright. However, it wasn't Phoenix Wright who was defending her so he goes out to correct this, and get Maggey and retrial. There's a lot of running around during the investigations, and a couple of the characters are hard to crack. The case isn't too difficult to figure out so the real difficulty is getting the court convinced who the murderer is. Some of the scenes in this case are pretty entertaining so I did enjoy that quite a bit.

The fourth case is a flashback prequel to the last case of this game. Its only the trial part so this case is quite short. A lot of familiar faces here but that is all I can say about it.

The last case is again tied with Maya and her family because it involves their shrine's statue of Ami and the sacred sword. Maya and Pearls wanted to go to a temple in the mountain for a special spiritual training, and tried to convince Phoenix to go along. He only complies to find out about one of the nuns in the picture about the temple. You meet a couple new people, and some familiar faces. Things happen, and well I won't spoil it any further. Its definitely an interesting start and very different from the other cases so far in the series. This case is one of the biggest mysteries I've seen so far in this series. Its quite difficult, but some things are kind of obvious. It definitely didn't turn out how I've expected though its nothing new. I have to admit the ending of this had me shed a few tears. Its a really good case, and probably the best in this series so far.

Overall I really liked this game, and rate it the best one out of the first three games. I highly recommend it. In fact you can play the first game and skip the second game to this third one since the important parts of the 2nd game are filled in here. I will continue with the Ace Attorney series so look forward to the 4th game, Apollo Justice!

Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations


These spoilers are about the last two cases. So I was quite surprised to see another flashback trial, and even more surprised that it was with Dahlia again. But what's even more surprising is young Edgeworth against Mia! Its kind of funny how flashy his last century clothing was, but he was pretty cute kid nonetheless. He is quit smug, but I still find his adorable. This case has a pretty interesting twist with having the defendant believe in Dahlia so much that he took his own life during court. Also, we find out that Mia had a mentor who looks exactly like Godot. So in the last case, I was pretty surprised when Phoenix ran on the burning bridge only to obviously fall into the rapid river below. He got sick afterwards which he should find himself lucky that the fall didn't kill him, but the trial was the next day. They had to call in Edgeworth for help, and wow was it fun and exciting to be Edgeworth for the investigation and trial part! The funniest part to me is his mistake of calling the Psyche lock the "psycho lock." Not only was Edgeworth brought back from abroad, but also Franziska von Karma who filled in as prosecutor for Godot. After that trial, both Edgeworth and Franziska help out Phoenix with the 2nd investigations as Godot returns to take his prosecutor position back. The biggest reveal during this investigation is that the victim was Maya's mother, Misty Fey as well as the drama with Misty's sister Morgan Fey. In the previous game it was established that Morgan Fey is guilty of setting up a murder to blame on Maya just to have her daughter to be the next Master. We also learn that Dahlia had a twin sister, and another little sister, Pearl Fey. Yeah, this seems like a ass pull, but the case is still interesting and thrilling. So Dahlia all along is part of the Fey family like Maya. I had my doubts with Dahlia's sister, Iris, at the start but I was proven wrong after this twin sister business. Pearls involvement in all this was thankfully pretty little though it helped clear up a lot of things. The last trial was pretty long, but also exciting. Iris was called by Godot to confess, and she has gone to confess that she helped with the murder, and even blamed it on Maya. Through questioning we were able to reveal that Iris was really Dahlia. Dahlia then testified that she planned this with her mother, Morgan Fey, in prison. She only helped only to get back at Mia by killing Maya Fey. She was sure she killed Maya Fey only for Phoenix to prove to her that the body Dahlia is in is actually Maya which explains why no one has found her. Dahlia left Maya's body in anger. There's still the mystery as who killed Misty Fey so the trial continues. Maya is called to take the witness stand as she is the only one who saw what happened. It was apparent to Phoenix that Maya is hiding something, and it only took a couple slips of the tongue to hint who really is the killer. The hints was "a man" and "lights" which could only be Godot because of his face mask. Maya was covering for him, but after showing evidence of Godot's eye issues was he able to admit that he had a part in the murder. He revealed that he eavesdropped on Pearl's and her mother's prison visit where he found about the plan to kill Maya. He contacted Iris and Misty Fey for their help to save Maya. The rest Phoenix has to prove that Godot was the one who Dahlia hurt with the dagger which leads to him being the one to kill Misty who channeled Dahlia, and gave her body to Iris to take care of. Godot was able to come to terms with himself after being revealed. Having the prosecutor being the real murderer was already done with von Karma, but this had a Breaking Bad feel (SPOILERS for that show btw) that Godot did it for himself in self pity than to save Maya. But since Phoenix has figured his out, Godot is able to come to terms with himself. Later, Iris fulfills her promise with Edgeworth to tell Phoenix her secret. Her secret being that she posed as Dahlia back in college when they were "dating" and that she had feelings for him. It was pretty sweet that Phoenix said that he has always believed in her. So the trial ends, and Maya and Phoenix goes to find Pearls who ran off in guilt to the mountains. They talked about Misty Fey, and its sweet that Misty held a photo of her daughters in the talisman. It sounds a bit cheesy but I teared up. The end credits roll with Maya and Pearl taking Phoenix with them to train in the mountains, and updates on everyone involved in the game. Though Edgeworth and Franziska weren't there, but I suppose that's for another game?

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