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So I've gotten into YomeColle which is a Japanese mobile game where you have your very own anime harem aka waifus and husbandos. You have a large selections of characters from various anime titles. Take a look at their main website and see if any of the characters interest you. They are voiced and voiced by their original vocie actors and actresses. The game is typically a otoge and card game combined.

This is a Japanese game and not knowing the language is quite a handicap to play this game. There is a guide to play this here but I will also give a brief explanation of the game. There is a tutorial at the start, but if you can't understand I'll explain it to you. If you do download it, please use my referral ID: 4x6hEq

Each character has their own set of cards. Each card has its own unique art and scene, and has a certain number of voiced lines. When you tap on a card, on the bottom will appear some actions you can do. Performing these actions will increase intimacy points for that character. You intimacy level unlocks the voice lines in each card, and also unlocks a couple cards for that character. Unfortunately, unlocking the majority of the cards for each character is the difficult part. Each has info on unlocking it and is color coded. Most of them require getting the card through gacha. There are different types of gachas from character cards to items. They require coins to play and price differs from rarity. Gacha locked cards are labeled in shades of blue: dark blue is standard 50 coin, blue is mini rare 150 coin, and light blue is 300 coin rare. Getting these coins is the suffering part. You get 10 coins from leveling up but not every level rewards you with them. Login bonus also will give you some but mainly people get them through downloading or signing up for services or apps. A rather typical feature in games, but if you don't understand Japanese I advise staying away from them to save you from the frustration. I usually just do the game apps since you just download and do the tutorial to get the coins. Sadly there isn't many of those available. The login bonus is based on how many days you've played. The rewards are mostly items, but there are plenty of free coins too. There's one for each day of the month and the last is a big 100 coin reward so you have to open the app everyday of that month to get it. You can 300 coins thing way as well if you don't miss a day. These free coins do have an expiration date but I'm not sure how long they last. When you go to the coin tab, there will a line of text that will indicated how long and how many coins will expire. Don't let your free coins go to waste!

The random items you get are used to either give a character as a present to raise intimacy points or to unlock stuff. You don't want to give these items to raise intimacy, an action with the giftbox icon. Some of the voices, special actions, and cards require items to unlock so I highly advise just saving them for that since getting items is not exactly easy. You get items through login bonus and the free gacha that you can play once a day. Definitely get into the habit of doing these to save you the frustration when you get rare cards that have voices and actions locked.

This game can be fun when played casually, but taking it seriously is just not worth it since unlocking things is quite frustrating. From time to time there are events which might give characters you like a special event card. These cards are at the bottom and are grey when event isn't on and are turned orange during the event. Though getting these is very hard since it requires getting 10,000s of the event item to unlock it and you get probably 3-7 items at a time from doing kisses which you can only do once every 3 hours. Even without doing the math you can obviously see that its ridiculous. There is the drink up item that lets you do kisses again and again, but those are hard to get for free. 

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