Neko Cafe

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Neko (cat) Cafe is a Japanese simulation game where you own, obviously,  a cat cafe. Currently this game is only in Japanese language, but its really not too difficult to figure out what does what. The game is rather simple.

There is a "story" to this game which is just a slice of life comic style of the usual cat's life. Its rather cute! You start off with one cat. The cafe mode is obviously the screen of a sofa and some sitting pillows where customers come and sit with a drink. A cat should be there as well. You tap on a customer to make the cat hug them which will fill up the customer's heart meter. Filling it will satisfy them and they will leave the shop and leave money. When you tap on your cat it will show info on its energy bar and the number you see is the number of people you need to satisfy to level up. The same goes for the cafe. Level 8 is the max level your cats can go. You can see a meter on the top left corner and the number in the meter indicates the number of customers satisfied to the number of people you need to satisfy to level up. The number left of the meter is your cafe's level.

On the bottom left corner is the menu. The first one is to go the cat's rest area, the second is cat food, and the third that's in the center of the screen is to make the cat do a special action to satisfy all the customers at once. The rest area is where your cats will hang out since you can only have one cat out in the cafe. You get more cats when you level up the cafe. This is also where you can change which cat to use by tapping them and then tapping the green button. On the bottom menu the first is to go back to the cafe, the second is the shop, third is cat food (replenishes cat's energy), the 4th is info on your cats, 5th is the cat items your have, and last is the help button.

In the shop there are 4 tabs: cat food, recipe, cafe, and cat items for the rest area. The recipes are the drinks and cakes you sell at the cafe. They will up the price so you get more income, but the prices to buy the recipes are quite high. The cafe tab is for upgrading your cafe. At the moment all it has is an extra pillow seat and the other is to add a second floor and second floor pillows. The cat items are decorations for the rest area. I don't think they do anything other than just decor purposes. They are cheap compare to the recipes.

I only have five cats so far. The second I got at lvl 5 and the third at lvl 12. The fourth and five are obtained in lvl 20s. There's no real time restraints for the customers so they won't be mad if you being unattended. Overall the game is super simple and it has a calming music. Recommend trying this game out!

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