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Another KyoAni show that I have no idea what it is about, but I hear its good so I watched it out of curiosity. Not a huge fan of this pre K-ON! style they have since their eyes are so huge. The first few episodes didn't impress me much, but it got better. There will be spoilers!

This is another school life anime with a male main character. His name is Okazaki Tomoya, and he's a "delinquent" student. Although he's just a bad student who goes to school late. He doesn't like his family, father is his only family, and doesn't like the town he lives in. The first episode we just meet all the characters which are mostly girls. These girls are mostly innocent, soft spoken, and polite which kind of annoys me since they're too similar to one another. But the show is mostly on Tomoya and Nagisa, a girl he sees one day and spots her eating alone. For some unknown reason he just starts talking to her and keeps her company. Learning that she isn't getting along with her classmates and wants to join the Drama Club, but learns there is no longer a Drama Club. Tomoya decides to help her out, but its not very easy as she has low confidence so she doesn't act.

The first part of this anime is quite mundane and a little cliche. Even though Tomoya likes to tease people, he is quite kind and helps these girls out by introducing them to the other girls. At first he does this to help Nagisa get people interested in the Drama Club, but as we learn more about these characters of their past and their secrets Tomoya and Nagisa get distracted and help with their problems. This is where things get dramatic, but not too much. These girl's stories are so sad and bittersweet. The way the show portrays it can really make you cry.

There is some supernatural stuff going on, but its not a huge focus as it just weird and mysterious thing that happens. The show does have this side story going on as well of a girl who lives in a post apocalyptic world where she's the only one there.

Most of the girl's in this show have their goals met near the end of the show. The last 3rd of the show gets romantic as most of the girls have a love interest towards Tomoya. Soon they realize that Tomoya is happy with Nagisa that they had to give up which breaks a couple of these girl's hearts. Tomoya does end up asking Nagisa out and the show ends with them being a cute couple. There is a extra episode of a AU of Tomoya having Tomoyo as his girlfriend instead. Also the mystery of the lonely girl in a empty world hasn't been entirely solved yet. Luckily there is a second season called Clannad After Story which I will write about when I finish it.

Overall, its not bad. I don't think its the best I've ever seen, buts its definitely not a bad show. Its worth a try!

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