November Apps Review

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Stack Rabbit
This game a cute art style that has a more appeal to children than adults.  It is a puzzle game where you steal and stack carrots. I wasn't able to play many levels because it lags quite a lot on my 4th gen ipod touch. The controls are simple with just directional swipes to move the rabbit. It sounds simple but I have such a problem with it recognizing the direction I want to go. It lags as i swipe so it probably has issues reading my movements. Still I really don't want to swipe 5 times to get it to go where I want. It makes it frustrating to play and take too long to complete a simple level!

Has a pretty fancy startup with neat music. Requires an account and give you the option the option to use facebook or email. Using your facebook it will go through your likes and have themes on them on topics screen. When tap on a topic there are 4 choices: play now, challenge, rankings, and discussion. Play now will set you up for an immediate match with a randon person to battle against. There will be 7 questions and its multiple choice with 4 answers to choose from. Its a pretty simple and fun app! But I don't see myself playing this anymore.

PBA Bowling Challenge
The great thing about this game is that there is no lag! Game play is like with real bowling except there are special bowling balls you can buy. It uses your game center info so no sign up is required. There is a energy meter since each play costs a certain amount of energy. Tickets seem to be the game currency and pins are cash bought currency. The game is mostly focused on the career tree where you will unlock new things as you go higher. There is multiplayer with invite friends and random people. You can also play against npc of professional bowlers. After a game that was it for me. Bowling doesn't really interest me plus its way too easy to get strikes.

I thought this was a video editing app but its not. You take videos with it and put filters and add more to the video. It does have a limited video length so that's why you add to it. Its works the same as snapchat. You have to sign up for an account to post your videos. Not exactly what I wanted and plus it lags like crazy on my device. Didn't keep it.

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