Oxbow Healthly Handfuls Hamster and Gerbil Food

8:45:00 PM cc 0 Comments

A recommended hamster food! I decided to get it as my hamster's pellet food since it seems the most healthiest. Also the price is not bad.

The bag is 1 lbs and is resealable. There's not alot of food compare to the size of the bag, but it should last at least a month. The food itself is practically the same size and shape of cherrios cereal. It even has a cereal like smell at least to me it does. It is green like ground up yard work like green. I really like the ingredients used as well. First on the list is timothy meal and what follows is barley, oat groat, flax seed, canola meal, millet, wheat gluten, and added vitamins. Protein is about 15% and fat 4.5% which is not bad. Dwarf hamsters needs a bit more protein but that's easy to supplement. There is not artificial foods or sugary or overly fattening ingredients.

My hamster is not entirely thrilled to eat this but he does eat it. He doesn't eat it all though which is slightly worrisome, but not that much. The bag I got has a best by date of a year and a couple months in the future which is good. Even though my hamster doesn't like it that much it is still the healthiest so I will continue to feed him it. Keeping a  hamster healthy is my number #1 priority and happiness will follow it. So I definitely would recommend this food!

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