Selena Multilayer Cotton Puff (hagaseru cotton) - Asian cotton pads

9:08:00 PM cc 0 Comments

Just ran out of Naruko's cotton pads so I decided to try a new brand of cotton pads. If you aren't familiar with Asian cotton pads please see my post on Asian skincare. Now these are facial multi layered (5 layers) peel off cotton pads that are in a big size. Not only are they bigger but the box comes with 80 pads. Naruko's box only comes with 60.

Its not as soft as Naruko's which is the one on the bottom in the photo. Selena is clearly made for making a cotton mask with since they are bigger, and is easy to pull the layers apart. You don't even have to stretch the sheets to fit your face. There is a sun or flower like image embossed in each pad which will disappear when the cotton is wet.

Overall, I really like these and would recommend them!

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