Shrinking (2023)
This show is better than I expected. Its only on Apple tv but the first episode is free to watch. Its a really nice show about grief, family, and friendships. The show revolves around a therapist Jason Segal plays as, his colleagues that Jessica Williams and Harrison Ford plays, his daughter, his friend, and his neighbors as well as his patients. The shows has great writing! Pretty funny and it does get serious and real at some moments. Very relatable too. Acting and pacing has been great too!
Since I watched this for Harrison Ford, I will say he's great in it! Since he's one of the main characters he does get quite a bit of screentime. His character's relationship with others is entertaining. His character has Parkinson's and puts up a wall around himself that the show revolves around him slowly opening up to the people he cares about. Definitely a great character for Harrison to play.
This show has gotten to me emotionally. It has some really great character growth. So far it has 2 seasons out and a 3rd seems to be in the works. I definitely recommend it and wished more people watched it!