Zenmarket review on my experience with using their service

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 I have previous mentioned Zenmarket as a proxy service option. Now I want to write a post on after using it for several years. I’m doing this because they recently changed some things which isn’t good in my opinion. 

One change that I think makes sense is increasing the fee from 300 yen to 500 yen. The inflation and current exchange rate between yen and usd, I can’t hate them for increasing it since everywhere else is increasing their prices. 

The change I don’t like is their rewards. Before the change, if you ship packages from them within 12 months they will give you a certain amount of credit that you can use to buy something through them. The credit is the same idea as a credit card  you will have to pay the amount back. But they have changed that from 12 months to 3 months! I don’t buy that often enough so I’ll never get that benefit anymore. 

This company also has branched into selling certain things themselves  even subscription boxes. I even bought a ramen box from them but sadly customs has taken 5 out of 7 of the ramen in the box! Leaving me with only 2. I contacted both zenmarket and customs. Customs says it contained meat products prohibited in the US. Zenmarket won’t take any responsibilty and won’t help give me any of my money back. They don’t list full ingredients for these ramen either  their website only lists the warning of meat products that could be prohibited on their FAQ page  

I find services like Blackship to have a much clearer information on what is allowed and what isn’t. I would highly advise going there to research what is allowed in your country before buying anything outside your country  

Another time I tried to order a product that had a limit of one per customer. I asked Zenmarket to check if they could buy it before I give them money. Unfortunately they couldn’t even do that  they have to try buying the item before knowing which is weird to me. 

Zenmarket is still one of the easiest and cost effective proxy service but I fear their quality in customer service has decreased. 

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