Final Fantasy XV - Assassin's Festival

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 I was so surprised that there was a collaboration between Final Fantasy XV and Assassin's Creed. As silly as it looks, I was quite excited since I liked the Chocobo Moogle Festival so I was glad to get more of it. This festival is free and is only available till the end of January 2018.

 The festival takes place in Lestallum and there is a story questline. Thankfully Noct isn't alone this time, and the gang are together though only Prompto tags along with Noct. The story quest is silly, but I enjoyed seeing Noct getting into AC. This quest line was buggy as hell at first, but they have fixed it. I played it before they fixed it and I had to restart the game to get rid of the bugs. Being able to climb up to the rooftops of this city is really neat. I like being able to see this city in a different way.

 When you finish the story quest line, there is a Treasure Hunt quest line you can do. This quest is a bunch of riddles, and I had trouble figuring some out myself so I did look them up. You do get an item after finishing it. Though this festival didn't have a weird item like the Dream Egg. You also get some photo frames, and unlock the assassin's clothes.

 Overall, I did as much as I can but I don't want to 100% this. This take me two play sessions. It didn't have a fishing game like in the ChocoMog festival that takes awhile to get all the fishing prizes. This festival may not be for everyone as some may find it too silly for their liking. So I will only say that if its something that you want to play around with, it is free so do take the time to play with this festival!

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