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 Kaji100! is a show where Kaji Yuki does a 100 things he wanted to do. Since this started earlier this year, 2017, there's so far only 4 episodes out since they air a new episode once a month. Each episode is about an hour long and each will have a different seiyuu guest that Kaji will do these things with.

 Each episode will mainly be them doing one of the 100 things, but there a little breaks probably to lengthen the episode. Each guest seiyuu will make their own list of what they wanted to do but instead of 100 they only list 10. They would talk about it for like 10 minutes. For a few minutes they will do "Kaji Yuki ga tabetai 100 no menu" where its 100 things Kaji wants to eat. Kaji will voice over shots of a dish being made. So far these are really simple dishes like raw egg over rice. Another silly little short they do is attempting to try a Guinness world record. I say they're silly because in the first episode its a toilet paper tower and the second episode is sticking post it notes on your face.Its rather entertaining. There's yet another short thing they do which is where Kaji answers questions for him from Twitter.

If you're a fan of Kaji Yuki or fan of any of the guests, then I definitely would recommend watching this. While these kinds of variety shows for seiyuu isn't new, it is still fun as seiyuu fans to watch them to do all these different things. Learning English is on the list as well and I do hope they do an episode of that.

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