Final Fantasy XV + Prompto DLC from E3 (2017)

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 During the first day of E3, a trailer for the Final Fantasy XV Universe was played during the Square Enix Presents booth and streams. We got a snippet of Prompto's DLC gameplay from it and the release date of June 27 for it! It also shows a bit of the off road driving with Regalia Type-D that will be in the June update.

 The same day, a short video of the guest composer Naoshi Mizuta is released. During the FFXV Universe program, they showed some gameplay. The story is mainly Prompto trying to get back to his friends. There are several locations in his DLC. He has melee and range attacks. He also has special attacks which are Stealth kill and Overkill. He still has his camera so he can also take photos and slefies. Main campaign is about 2 hours. There are missions in the game as well. There are extra content post main campaign like in Gladio's DLC. Again this comes out on June 27th!

A new DLC trailer came out on the 19th that reveals more of the dlc.

A new ATR streamed on June 23rd and they showed a bit more of the game including the snow mobile mini game. This starts around the 50:00 mark.

The FFXV social media accounts has also been posting short gameplay clips (links lead to twitter): here, here, here, and here

 There's also these fun photos that you can photoshop someone in as either Aranea or Prompto!

 The other trailer that was shown is one for King's Knight mobile game. Scheduled to be out sometime this year.

 More news at the upcoming Gamescom in August!

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