Doctor Strange (2016)

12:49:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 I didn't think I'll be watching another Marvel movie, but seeing a couple actors from my favorites tv shows in this its hard to resist. I remember there was some controversy over the casting of Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One because she isn't asian. While I do find that she did a decent job with the role, I do think it would've been better if an asian would've taken the role. I suppose they couldn't find an asian woman actress that could pull off that bald look as well as Swinton does, but I doubt that's the case.

 So the story is basically about a successful surgeon name Stephen Strange who has a big ego. He gets himself in a pretty bad car accident that ruined the nerves on his hands thus making him unable to do surgery anymore. His desperate search to find a treatment that will heal his hands led him to the Ancient One.

 What I like about this movie is that the story is simple enough to fit into a two hour movie. It didn't feel rushed or compacted. The beginning is a bit slow. There isn't a whole lot of action compare to the other Marvel movies, but I assume its because those scenes would require a lot of green screen and CGI work. The movie is quite visually appealing and quite a trip. The comedy are usually a bit corny to me in the other Marvel movies, but this one is good. I did quite enjoyed the comedy.

 Overall I though the movie was ok. I did like it visually and the comedy was fun, but thats it. While Benedict Cumberbatch does have native sounding American accent, I prefer him with speaking with his British accent. Of course that is just the Sherlock fan part of me speaking.

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