Yuri!!! On Ice

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 It surprised me when I saw the trailer for this that there was going to be a figure skating anime. But it did make sense since a Japanese figure skater, Yuzuru Hanyu, did win gold in the Olympics as well as how well Free! has done. Though this anime seems to be quite different from Free!

 I have to say, the first episode of this is I enjoyed a lot. This show turned out to be a lot cuter and goofier than I expected. I was expecting some lewdness as well as beauty from the nicely animated skating programs. While all the figure skaters in this show are going to be male, there are some great female characters as well which the first episode has given decent screentime to. Speaking of gender, I notice an annoying amount of comments on the title being misleading. First off, I don't know how none of these comments don't even mention the promo image for the show, I mean its clearly about male figure skating. Second, the Japanese spelling of the title is "yuuri" which is not "yuri". Besides, the lesbian meaning is a slang definition. "yuri" means lillies or to quake, vibrate. Its like the word "otaku" which western anime fans would know it to mean a person who is really into anime or whatever type hobby, but the real meaning to "otaku" in Japanese is "home" so the earlier meaning is a slang. Just like how we sometimes call testicles "balls" it is just a slang meaning. Anyone who is fluent in English would know the proper definition of "ball" is a sphere shaped object.

So this show is about Katsuki Yuri, a Japanese figure skater who got into quite a slump after losing the Grand Prix. He idolizes the legendary Russian skater Victor Nikiforov who is quite based on Plushenko. A young figure skater name Yuri Plisetsky who is also Russian is too a fan of Victor. Yes, there are two guys name Yuri in this show and they are like rivals. They both aim to win the next Grand Prix.

What I like about this anime is the personalities of the characters. They all are rather likable and entertaining which is such a rare thing to come by. This show has so much energy as well. The show is also very today with all the social media usage. You can tell they use Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and such it feels very relatable. Even the ending theme is mostly Instagram posts. Also, the men actually have nipples in this show. I highly recommend this anime!

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