
8:53:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 I wasn't sure what I was in for when I started watching this. I just knew a few good seiyuu on it, and now that I've seen a few episodes I feel those talented seiyuu aren't going to save whatever this show is. Servamp is short for "servant vampire" a kind of soul bound thing that happened between a human and a vampire. Its about this boy name Mahiru who picks up a stray black cat, but it ends up being a vampire. Mahiru then gets all caught up in the weird vampire world.

 It feels the story tries too hard to be "good" but it could also be fujoshi baiting. The characters are mostly male too. All the characters have their own silly quirks. Its almost laughable how fast crap falls onto Mahiru's lap in each episode. The only good thing about this show is the talented seiyuu cast. Its hard to take this show seriously. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're bored or something.

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