Independence Day: Resurgence

5:04:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 When the trailer came out, I was surprised this was happening. I did enjoy the first movie and I even watched it again on HBONow. The first one is rather enjoyable. Now this however, has been getting a lot of bad reviews which is understandable. While I won't say its not worth your time, I can't say I didn't enjoy any of it.

 This movie does talk about what happened in the first movie quite a bit, though it didn't really bother me as much as those who left reviews for it. I actually just really didn't care what the characters had to say. There's really no much substance to the story just that the Earth has advanced using the alien stuff and the kids had grown up. While I didn't care of any of the characters, I did like that there were more racial diversity and female fighter pilots. The CGI is also decent.

 The nostalgia for the first movie is really the only selling point for this. The ending does open up for a possibility of a continuation, and if that ever happens lets hope they get better writers.

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