Joker Game

8:48:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 I didn't give this much attention since I thought the title sounded dumb, but I heard it was good and intelligent so I gave it a try. This show is about a group of Japanese men trained to be spies during the early stages of World War II. The story is all fictional though so don't expect this is a historically accurate show.

These men do not have distinguishable features like the usual anime does with unnatural color hair. They can look even more undistinguished among the background characters who would have more distinguishable features. While their hair, facial features, and voice are different, learning their names was the hardest for me. I suppose it kind of doesn't matter since they are spies and would use false names anyways.

I haven't seen too many episodes yet, but so far the first episode was the only the men were together. The episodes afterwards feature one guy on their mission to wherever in the world they are sent. You might think a story around WW2, the bad guy vs good guy would be straight forward but this show seem rather neutral. I mean one ep a spy was sent to make a scene only to convince the higher ups to encode their information.

If you think this show would be like a Bond movie, it is not like that at all. They don't go out and be cool, kill a lot of people, or cause a lot of destruction. They are more realistic which is nice. This show is quiet interesting, and would recommend it to anyone!

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