Final Fantasy Mobius Multiplay

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Multiplay is the multiplayer aspect of the game. You essentially be paired with random players to defeat a boss. The boss have unique drops which you can exchange for items. You access it by going to the Ring of Brave リング オブ ブレイブ region.

Multiplay has its own set of decks and stamina bar so be sure to set your cards. There are 4 roles that players play during multiplay: attacker, breaker, defender, and supporter. These roles depend on the job you choose to go with and there will be a icon indicating your role. The roles doesn't restrict you from doing whatever you want though. Attackers are obviously ones to do the big damage to the boss. Best to have a deck with the boss' weak element as well as high attack power. Breakers are ones who would make the boss break the most. Deck should prioritize on high break power. Defenders are responsible for giving everyone elemental shield. While others can do their own shields, defenders can do it for everyone in one turn. While this role isn't as active as others, it is helpful to have cards that can turn elements into a certain type if elemental shield is truly needed. Would definitely be important in high difficulty battles. Supporter are obviously the ones who heal and buff. These will be cast to all members like the defenders.

Stamps are emojis as a way to communicate with the other players since there is no chat. They are voiced as well and some are in English so that makes English speakers easy understand. 

Multiplay is rather simple. There will also be events for multiplay so be sure to get the event items before its over!

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