"Ikusei! Otoko no Musume~ Yamete! Boku Otoko dayo!" Japanese App game

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This is a simple game where this high class boy is dressed as a girl by his maids. The main screen the boy and a bunch of maids will be walking around. Tap the maids and they will run to the boy and smoke poofs around them. Nothing happens because you need to fill up the LV meter on the top left.

There are 10 stages or levels before reaching the ending. You can see the boy slowly wear more and more girls clothing as you progress. The bottom left most red button is the Diary where you can see the stages. The middle button takes you to where you can see the ending illustration that you've unlock. There Re 3 total endings with the boy dressed in a different outfit. The other three buttons are: Sound (on or off), Review, and Tutorial. The right most button will take you to the developers' website.

When you unlock and ending, it will go back to the beginning. The maids will also not fill up the meter as much. They only gain 5 points per maid, but I believe they were 10 before I did an ending. This game is kind of entertaining, but it is pretty simple. Its not a game you can finish easily since the levels jump quite a bit. Not exactly a game I would recommend, but if you got time to kill and want to see a boy crossdress then give it a try! There is also another version of this game with a rockstar boy as well.

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