Ensemble Stars app game tips!

10:59:00 PM cc 3 Comments

Trigger 2 FEVER missions
 To achieve this mission you must get the fever bar close to be full enough to trigger it after doing the first lesson on the course. The fever should be over before the first rival battle. After that that do lessons on one guy since they fill up the meter the most. If there isn't a stage with one guy, go to the empty one (not the doctor room) to do the sensei (teacher) event. Be sure to choose the right choice to get a Fever Up. Continue to do this and you should trigger the 2nd fever either the 2nd or last lesson before the final battle.

120-240 jewels missions
 Take advantage of the fever state. Fever will give out the most jewels so be sure to focus on the require color to achieve the mission the fastest. The more boys the more jewels!

Getting high starred cards
 Save your diamonds and points to get the 10 card scout. These will guarantee to get you a 4-5 star card! It will take time, but it has the highest chance.

Daily Jewel Lessons
 Each day of the week there are bonus jewel lessons. Monday is yellow, tuesday is red, wednesday is blue, and it repeats till Sunday which is all the colors. These lessons will drop these jewels more than normal and event lessons. You can increase your drop rate if you use cards with increase jewel drop rate. To find this out you must look at the card's info. At the bottom there are red and blue ribbons. The red is dream fest skill and the blue is lesson skill. The blue is what we want to look for. Underneath it look for it saying "(赤)ジュエルの取得数が少しアップ" this says the jewel drop rate increases a little. The () is the color which is the same as the color of the card. Make a whole unit of one color that's the same as the day's jewel lesson. This won't guarantee you get medium (rectangles) or large (Xs) jewels in every lesson, but you should see them drop more often than usual as you farm them.

Event Points
 During an event, the ranking system is based on how many points you win from a live. There are 3 types of lives and they're easily distinguished by the time remaining: 1:59, 59 mins, and 9mins. You should aim to do the lowest timed event since they give out the most points. Even if you don't meet the requirements to fill up the percentage, that live will go down a level. The highest level for the 59min lives is level 30 which can give you 6000 pts. Be sure to work on your card's skill tree and max their level so you can get the most points to clear as high a level live as you can to get the most points. Save up on your AP and LP so you can get the lives you need. I would usually go do the 10ap event lessons, and decline the low pt lives till I get the one I want. After using all my lp to clear it I go for another.

There are also items that you get as a reward for reaching a certain amount of points. These items will replenish your LP and AP. Konpeitou (3 rock candy) will give you one LP, Sports Drink will fill your LP meter all the way up, and yakisobapan fills your AP all the way up. Sadly, these do have an expiration date. They will last up until the end of the event so be sure to use them!!

The lives will feature 3-4 boys, and they will determine the skill (vocal, dance, performance) needed for that live. The live will add up that skill point from your units and it must surpass the amount required in order to clear it. So if your cards have more points in one skill then go for that skill live in order to gain the most points. It would be a waste to use the lp for lives that won't give you as much.

Saving Items
 I have mention above that the items have an expiration date, but you can bypass this a bit. When you get the items as rewards, they go into the present box first where you will pick them up. In this present box the item has an expiration date of 30 days! So keep them in the box until you want to use them. Be sure to check on their days remaining so you don't accidentally have them expire before you can use it.

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  1. is there is any way to trigger the live? :" thanks before :3

    1. Lives come up randomly as you do the event lessons. Doing other lessons don't trigger them as often. Having the event cards in your producer unit seems to help increase the chances of lives coming up.

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