I Love Coffee Street Charming of Special Guest Little Princess Level 3 and Level 4

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Correct answers:

"Who gave you that doll that you're always carrying?"

"I thought Becky was your school maid"

"I too know Emily"

"Black tea is an adult's drink"

"Having one good friend is better than having many acquaintances."

"What kind of fairytale do you like?"

"Do you like a strawberry milk?"

"Is that monkey with you real?"

Wrong answers:

"Why are you always alone?"

"Do you goto school with your monkey?"

"If you bring a doll to school, people might get angry ..." 

"The rich can afford to be generous"

"What's wrong? You look pale"

"Stories that have no antagonists in them are no fun."

"Don' cry. Never cry!"

"If you want to make friends, then you should take the initiative."

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