First Sakuraco box!

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 Saw an ad for this on instagram and I guess since I was following matcha and asian starbucks accounts that I was ad targeted and boy they got me good lol!  This box service apparently just started so I was able to get the grand opening discount. But it seems this company has a handful of Japan type monthly boxes so it seems to be established already. Sakuraco box focuses on the tea culture in Japan. So each box has tea, sweets, and some sort of tea ware. Its mostly sweets so far. The sweets are more on the traditional side which is what I like rather than snacks like Pocky. Each box will have exactly 20 items inside. The price for one month is $37.50 with the 1 year sub its $32.50 per box. I just got the box and I've enjoyed what I've tried so far. Sure its a bit pricey, but I think its worth it as someone who likes tea and Japanese sweets and lives too far away from Japan.

Since they ship from Tokyo, they do charge shipping separately so shipping costs me about $12 per box so each box cost me $44 with their grand opening discount and 6 boxes sub discount. That makes each item cost $2.20 for me. This price will be a bit higher without discounts. I think if you paid full price for one box its about $2.50 each. Some of the snacks are bite sized and small like about 1.5" small. Its up to you if you feel ok with paying that but the sweets so far all vary in sizes but generally compared to American sweets they're small. The box is only 8" x 8" x 4" but shipping was fast. Took 3 days from when DHL picks up the box to delivering it to my door. I probably shouldn't worry about anything melting when summer comes around since shipping is fast. Did anything break? Only thing that broke was the straw roll cookie and one of the monaka got a tiny bit crushed. Everything else looks fine!


The sweets are nice but I wish there was more tea options than just one. This box is sakura themed so the tea is pickled sakura flowers which is pretty to look at since its the full flowers. They only include two packets of it so only two cups of tea. The contents of the next box is already revealed and it seems there's always a certain type of sweets or snack includes. Other than two servings of tea, there's at least one cake type sweets, a cup sweets (like pudding), monaka, candy type, and cracker like snacks which so far are the senbei which are shrimp crackers. Of course this could change but so far all this is fine with me. They do put info on allergies or whether it vegetarian. 

UPDATE: So I've gone through the second box and have something to note. Some snacks can go stale since some won't include the little preservation packet so be sure to eat the cake types and other soft snacks that don't have the preservation packet in their packaging asap!

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