Hobonichi Techo Weeks

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 I've been exploring japanese brand planners and last year I've been using the Hobonichi weeks planner. I got it off Amazon! They come in simple colors or neat designs that are changed each year. The weeks covers are different from the Hobonichi daily planner. The weekly is a complete book in that the planner and the special covers aren't separate like the daily planner is. Since this is a Japanese brand planner, the text is in Japanese, but its not at all difficult to use it as basic info like the days of the week and months are also typed out in English. I personally really enjoyed using the weeks mostly because I really like its small slim design and it being lightweight. Its has enough space to write and small enough to easily carry or bring with you. I ended up really liking this planner style so I highly recommend it! 

 The whole week is on one page and the other page is a grid blank page. Because the week is all on one page, this won't be ideal for those who need to plan or write a lot each day. While each day has subtle lines to divide it into three square (morning, noon, night), there really isn't enough room to write down much in English. It might work for meal planning or something similar. The planner starts on late November the year before and ends on December. Even though there's a grid lined page on every week, there is another 1/3 of the planner is just grid lined pages. They are numbered so there's 69 pages. There is a index page for these notes so you can write the page number for certain pages. I really like these extra pages just to write down whatever. The daily planner version on the other hand has like 15 the grid pages section so if you want to plenty of these pages, the weeks has them! Other than that, there's the usual planner stuff like have months and random stuff at the end. Overall I liked it and would likely continue getting Hobonichi planners.

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