Lost in Space (2018)

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 Lost in Space is like a modernised remake of the old Lost in Space show back in the 60s. I didn't see the old one so I won't be comparing the two. This show is on Netflix and is 10 episodes long. A season 2 is in the works. I did enjoy this show though it does heavily center around the family that I find frustrating to watch a bit. The story is about the Earth dying and qualified people are heading towards the new planet. This group had an incident and had to evacuate which made them stranded on a unknown planet.

 The family the show centers on is the Robinsons who have three children. The mother is an aerospace engineer, the father a US Navy SEAL, and the eldest daughter is a doctor. The younger two children do not have jobs. The youngest is a 11 year old boy name Will who has a tough time handling stress which makes him a bit incompetent compare to the rest of the family. Trying to survive in a dangerous planet with a kid this young is stressful and difficult. Will does end up finding a alien robot that turns out to be not hostile.

 The show feels more survival than scifi, but the scifi part of it is neat to me. The Robot and the ships I find neat, but most of the time they deal with nature and relationship and personal drama. The villain in the show is Dr Smith who is a sociopath and manipulative. She is well acted an interesting character, but she only cares to save herself so she is a bit one dimensional. But yeah, she's the main villain in hte story, and not the Robot or any alien lifeform. Though I do hope that may change in the new season!

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