MakeS Ohayo, Watashi no Sei (MakeS -おはよう、私のセイ)

1:59:00 AM cc 2 Comments

 I decided to try this game out after seeing quite a bit of Japanese tweets about this. Its an app otome game of this like virtual assistant kind of guy name Sei. There is a bit of story to this it seems. You first have to go through the intro before having all the menus and buttons are enabled. He will ask you for your name, birthday, and what you do (office worker, housewife, student, or other) and will introduce you to his alarm feature. Then you will set your wake up and sleep time and days. An error happens, and Sei ends up being more robotic.

 So the goal seems to get him back to normal. The way to do this is by tapping on him. Tapping gives you the game's currency and fills up the purple bar on the left. Once filled it will turn into i's or information which fills a green bar on the right side, and the purple bar will have a 10 minute cool down. So tapping won't do anything until the cool down time is up. If you tap on the cool down timer, a pop up will ask if you want to watch video ads to skip the timer. You can do this 5 times a day. This also increases the sync percentage at the bottom. After a certain amount, the green bar will open up a green button and this is the "extension" which you can tap to execute it. After I did it, Sei became a little less robotic.

 The book icon on the lower right side is where you can have Sei do lessons. More lessons open up when you reach a certain sync percentage. Doing lessons successfully can earn you game currency and there will be a 3 hour cool down. There are two types of game currency, the chip icon is memori which you can get easily from tapping, and the ticket icon currency is a harder to get type currency. You can easily get tickets by sharing on social media which you can do once a day. The currency is used to buy clothes, hair, and many other stuff to customize Sei. More items will unlock in the shop as you continue to play. The third circular icon in the shop is the real money amount. These cosmetic items do give bonuses to gain more memori, information, or sync percentage.

 Other than the alarm, he also has a calendar and reminders. You can set up events in the calendar, and set task reminders. He also has a photobooth feature and there are options to change his pose and expression, but they are locked so I'm not sure at the moment how to unlock them.

 This game is unique, it ain't the most exciting thing to play but I am curious to where it will go. I have yet to use him long enough to see if his alarm and reminders will actually be useful to me.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is there an English version of MakeS anywhere?
