Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition

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 Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition is a mobile remake port of Final Fantasy XV. The game is much simpler and there some slight changes from the original main game that I think it be worth playing for those who had finished the main game. The first chapter is free to play and try out. The rest of the chapters locked by a pay wall. Chapter 2 and 3 are $0.99 and the chapters after that are $3.99. You can save money by buying all the chapters for $19.99. Its quite an expensive price tag for a "mobile" game, but I think its worth it. If you don't have a console or a good enough computer to get the main game, this is a great and cheaper way to play the game.

  Chapter 1 is like a tutorial, but its not a bad tutorial. This chapter ends when they reach the hill overseeing the city after it falls. This chapter is quite linear. The main quests have its own map to explore and fight, but once you finish the quest you proceed to the next quest and map. You can't go back so be sure to take your time to pick up items and fight as many of the monsters as you can. Items can be found on the ground, in sand piles, and in boxes. They glow and flash so its easy to spot them. A new thing in this game is the treasure map. There's a certain area that you can dig and get items. You can treasure maps as clues to where to find them.

All the characters auto attack, but you can tap to which enemy you want Noct to focus on, and there be prompts to dodge, parry, and using your friend's special abilities. As you progress in the story you will get more weapons. You can toggle between them including Royal arms and magic. You can only carry one type of magic, and when you find another elemental node in the map, it will replace what you have earlier if you haven't used it already. Royal arms has a time limit and a cool down.

You will have to finish Chapter 1 before you can buy more chapters. This game only downloads a chapter at a time so it won't download all the chapters onto your device and take up space. There is also Cloud saving as well as local saving. Saving is only done automatically so there's no manual options. I personally don't think this is a problem as it auto saves relatively often. I don't think you'd lose a lot of progress from it. You can also change languages both in text and audio!

 Overall, I do really like this Pocket version! It is already given me a lot of playtime so I definitely find the $20 price to be totally worth it. I saw some people say this is a summary of the main game story, but I really don't think its a summary at all. It has all the scenes from the main game, but the open world part is definitely not in this so you can't explore a big map. The artstyle is unique and cute, but it is slightly weird. It hasn't bothered me though, and performance wise it plays pretty well on my iPhone7 at 30fps.

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