Bungo to Alchemist

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 Bungo to Alchemist is a game meet and purify renowned Japanese writers and books. If you ever played Touken Ranbu, it is essentially the same kind of game and concept. You can play this on a browser or on your mobile device. The writers are only men so this game is mainly targeted to women.

 There are 78 writers and they will be your fighters. You either get them as a drop or from transmigration/reincarnation. You have to go to the Ensouled Book delving, and use inks and a writer to start delving. A timer will come up. The more inks you use the higher the timer, and the higher the timer the rarer the writers will be. This system is random so you may get a common rarity writer when you're aiming for a higher rarity writer. There are writers that only can be obtained during certain summoning events and campaign.

 With your writers, you can form parties and take them to battle in tainted books. Battles are all done automatically, and there is no fast forward or skip button. Each book has their own unique route. You will automatically go through the route, but when there's a fork you will be randomly be chosen which path to take. Some paths lead to dead ends, and there is one that leads to a boss. Clearing the boss is how you clear the tainted book and unlock the next book.

 As you a number of battles, your writers will get fatigued and hurt. Fatigued doesn't go away over time so you have to go to the Dining Hall and feed them. You must fill up their onigiri meter, if this meter is empty they cannot go out to battle. If they are hurt, you take them to Repair and only one bed is unlocked. You'd have to pay to get more beds.

 Other than leveling the writers up, they also have a writers path that you can increase stats. The path also has voices and outfits that you can unlock as well. There's also a gatcha system that gives you stuff that you can equip to your writers as well. You also got an office that you can buy different looks for it. There isn't a story to the game, but you can trigger cutscenes if you have certain characters in a party together and are in the right book to trigger a scene. Overall this game is very similar to Tourabu, but so far its simpler so its less frustrating. I prefer the voice cast in this game to Tourabu also. This game is also on DMM and its not region locked! You dont need a VPN or other tricks to play it. The app sometimes mutes voices for some reason, but closing and reopening it fixes that. Otherwise the app runs just as well as the browser. This game is worth a try!

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