Violet Evergarden

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 Violet Evergarden is about a young woman who spent most of her life in the military and suffers that born yesterday innocent girl trope. The war ended and she faces a change in her life to become a normal human being instead of a weapon. The story focuses more on having her learn about emotions and words and all its complexity. Her motivation being to understand the last words spoken to her by someone important.

 KyoAni is the studio that is animating this so the art and animation are gorgeous. This series is also on Netflix which is different, but it still releases an episode a week as if it were on tv. The innocent girl trope really deter me when I was watching the first episode, but I did kept watching and luckily the main girl, Violet, isn't as annoying as there are plenty of great side characters to help balance out Violet.

 It does make sense to have Violet be very militant and emotionless as it does emphasize the emotion on simple words like "thank you" and "I love you" that we may take for granted. I mean the music and the voice acting helps that as well. It did get me teary eyed! It is a gorgeous and yet slow paced anime. I definitely recommend this anime!

 I did keep watching this show till the end, and it still does get me teary eyed. Violet as a character definitely grew on me and she grows herself.

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