Sengoku Night Blood 戦刻ナイトブラッド

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Sengoku Night Blood is a mobile game where you get boys, put them into units, and fight monsters. And since its sengoku themed, the boys are anime-ified historical people that is rather commonly used. What makes them different in this game is that they're a weird mix of werewolves and vampires, and the main girl has some magical blood. There is also an anime adaptation so if you just want to watch instead of play, go look it up! I will also talk about the anime since I watched it too.

 The game plays like most mobile games. You battle and you can get keys to unlock story scenes. The stories are categorized by the different armies. The battle is all automated, so there's really no need to tap anything while it goes on. There is a skip option so you can just save time that way. During events, bosses will sometimes pop up that have higher HP. You have a time limit to defeat them. And of course there's gacha. The art for this is what got me to play. For each character card you can upgrade them, and also unlock sub stories. When you fully upgrade the cards, the art will change!

The anime mainly has the main girl get kind of taken away by each army and gets to know everybody. So if you want to get to know each of the armies, its easier to watch than unlocking the stories in the game. The art and animation isn't the greatest, but I think its still somewhat watchable. I did watch all the episodes. Not something I would recommend but it wouldn't hurt to try especially if you just play/watch it for your favorite seiyuus.

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