World of Final Fntasy Meri Mero

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World of Final Fantasy now has a mobile app game! Its only in Japanese but hopefully it can come out globally. Like with the console game, this mobile game you collect mirages and battle with them. The story is one of those typical "recover your lost memories" kind of deal. If you like WOFF than I would recommend checking this game out.

 Like with most mobile games, there is gatcha, battles nodes, and upgrading. Mirages are the monsters you use to battle with, and its like Pokemon. You can get mirages from gacha or as drops from battling. The other items that get dropped from battles are used to upgrade mirages. Each item upgrades certain things to mirages like the purple block things are used to level up, the seed thing with a heart does HP. When you fill the bar or gauges up you can unlock new abilities. You will have to upgrade the star level of that mirage in order to access to the other abilities. To do that you will can to get doubles of the mirage and get medals from them. You also need star medals which I've only seen as a reward for completing certain missions in battle.

 The five buttons on the button are: Adventure, Mirage, Garden, Gacha, and Hunt. Adventure is where you go battle. There are battle nodes and each has 3 missions or battle challenges. There will be a cube golem in the map that will have a certain number of missions you need to complete in order for it to stop blocking your path. There is also a dark cloud with red eyes that will be a boss battle. In the battle mode, the mirages melee attack automatically. On the UI below, the top left is speeding up or lowing down the battle.  On the lower left is obviously a pause button where you can look up enemy info. The bottom right is a Manual or Auto battle mode switch button. Each of your mirage will have a AP circle gauge. When this fills up and starts flashing it can do an ability. In Manual mode you will have to tap on it and it will prompt you to choose an enemy to attack. In Auto mode it will use an ability automatically. You may notice numbers come up when you tap on your mirages. This is queuing the order of which mirage you want to use their ability in. In order to get the mirage to stack up and attack the gauge in the middle needs at least one block filled. The top right is the summoning FF characters but since I have yet to get one I can't say how its used. All I know is you need to get a certain mirage from gacha, unlock the ability to summon the FF character, and in battle do a stacking ability to summon. You start off with 3 slots for mirage sin battle, but the other three spots will unlock when you get to level 7 to 9-ish so its not a long wait.

 The Hunt is just sending out your mirages to gathering items for upgrading. The Garden is your main hub. You can set mirages to appear there in the Mirage screen, and sometimes they may give you presents with items. There hasn't been any events or anything yet I may keep playing and update this at a later date.

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