Final Fantasy XV Ignis DLC

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 Ignis dlc is the last dlc for Final Fantasy XV in 2017. Compare to Gladio and Prompto's, this dlc has more story significance. I will highly recommend that those who want to play or watch playthroughs of this to finished the main game first. Ignis' dlc does spoil the main game's ending. This dlc also has multiple endings, but you will have the beat the dlc first in order to unlock the other endings. Its take about 1-2 hours to go through this dlc, and about another hour more for the extra stuff. It is short like the other dlcs, but this is probably the best out of the three. I will warn there there will be spoilers in the rest of this post!

 Ignis' combat isn't as drastically different from Noct compare to Gladio and Prompto. Ignis will mainly be using daggers, the weapon change UI changes to just changing the element of the daggers from ice, fire, and lightning. The triangle button is to charge up his focus and he will do a special attack once its fully charged. The tutorial guide said Ignis would dodge attacks when he focuses but I have yet to figure out how. Square is the normal dodging button. Other than the focus attack, Ignis has his own techniques abilities with the technique bar that you can select with the L1 button. He has high jump where he uses a spear, and overclock which gives bonus damage to a random element. The cooking technique is locked behind one of the scattered shops in Altissa. However you can't buy them unless you beat Ignis' dlc story first. You can make a separate Altissa area save as the shop will open up when you beat the story so you don't have to go through the beginning again. There is another shop that sells different eyewear that you can equip onto Ignis.

 Altissa has a number of treasure spots and a lot of items lying around. These are needed to sell so you can get enough money to buy the special items at the shop. Why you need money to get items even though there is nobody at the cashier is not important. There are also a number of documents that you can find. I have yet to find them all since they are pretty hard to find compare to Prompto's dlc. The hookshot/grappling hook is decent. It is different to travel around Altissa with it, and also much easier.

 Now I will go into more spoiler territory now! The main objective for Ignis in this dlc is to save Noctis. There are three different endings. Your first playthrough there is only one ending you can get. Once you beat it the second route opens up. The second route has two endings: a good and a bad. Like with Prompto's dlc, you can roam around the map of Altissa freely. The map button is change to segment the city into districts and color code them to be enemy occupied or not. While it is optional, it got me to realize there are treasure spots and shops around. The boat scene is rather scripted so you don't get much freedom with it, but it was story related so I can see why they probably didn't want the player to have too much control over the boat. It is really neat to see all the action going on the background through.

 You do meet Ravus after the boat stuff and it is much more enjoyable to not have to fight alone. Though sadly this team up didn't last long. Both are obviously going to the same place, and I was surprised to find myself having to fight against Ravus. Ardyn comes to play as well. It was interesting that they put on a camera view switch during that scene. Also I didn't quite expect Iggy to lose his eyesight from the ring. Its also a weird twist that when he saw Pryna died, he got a vision of the future. Didn't expect they spoil the whole main game ending so this is why I advise people to play this after beating the main game. But it definitely makes Iggy's next actions a lot more sense. When you refuse Ardyn you get to fight against him, but I don't think its actually possible to beat him. You get the first ending after the battle is over. It will you extra scenes that spoils the rest of the main. They even put an extra camping scene which was touching and sad.

 The second route you can easily access at the menus screen. You will have to go through the scene until the choice pops up and you can choose to accept Adryn. Now things get weird here. Iggy wakes up in Zegnautus Keep and a unknown Astral like female voices talks to Ignis to tell him about Adryn's past and stuff. While she didn't really say anything new, it makes sense that we have to hear this again since this is some alternate path of the main story. Iggy is there to be used as bait for Noctis, but since Iggy knows what will happen to Noctis he wants to stop Ardyn and he still has ring on him. Now you have to fight Ardyn and this is probably the toughest Ardyn fight yet. Once you get Ardyn's HP down to a certain point, there will be a message that will say the effects of the ring has worn off. You get three choices to give up, sacrifice your life, or risk your life. If you want to continue the fight choose to risk you life. This choice will come up again after you get Ardyn' hp down to a certain point. This will repeat till you can't choose risk your life and you have to choose sacrifice your life to continue the fight. There will be a 3-4 minute timer where you have to beat Ardyn in or you get the bad ending. The bad ending is a bit short but I think its worth seeing. If you beat Ardyn you get the special alternate ending which I think made a lot of people happy including myself.

 This alternate ending is neat and I don't think its something that has happened in a FF game before. I personally would not mind more of this in future dlc. Though I know there are people who didn't enjoy that alternate ending or see it as just the devs sucking up to the fans. Regardless, I do think this is a worthy of playing so I do highly recommend it! I have yet to beat Noctis in the special training fight. What you unlock from this dlc is Spelldaggers, an outfit, and the cooking technique once you unlock it in the dlc.

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