Black Mirror Season 4 (2017)

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 I've wrote a post about Black Mirror before, and this is only on season 4 which came out yesterday/today. There's 6 total episodes in this season, each about an hour long. Some longer and some shorter. Most of the episodes are pretty good so I definitely recommend them! The rest of this post will be spoilers so do not continue to read if you've haven't seen it!

 The first episode is my favorite out of this season. The Star Trek theme in this virtual game is neat, and the idea of DNA digitally cloning people into a game is different. It is messed up to see this guy push and order his coworkers into his little Star Trek fantasy is messed up, but its not super messed up. It could easily gone to sexual assault, but thankfully that didn't happen and it made that clear. Was surprised that this had a happier ending than I anticipated. Also the female characters in this episode and in the rest of this season were so well written and acted.

 Second episode is one parental controls. The mother can see what her daughter sees, vital signs, and location. The worst part of this is that she could filter her vision so the daughter hadn't seen or knew blood till later. This one is interesting in that we can understand both sides. Parents would want to protect and have the best for their child, and of course the child just wants freedom. Hard to choose a side since both are messed up,

 Third is about a woman who would do whatever to not get caught. The technology in this is using a memory scanner that puts your memories on screen. This device isn't all that interesting just the overall story of this woman so desperate to keep her life as it is is interesting enough to me. I like this episode. Also the ending did get spoiled for me, but I still liked it.

 The fourth is about match making. There's a system is has like a 99% true match rating and its quite interesting. Everyone has a little pocket size device that talks like Alexa, and tells you when you are matched. You meet up with this person and have to be with them for a certain amount of time. Time ranges from a day to years. After the time is up, you go to your next match. The setup was interesting and strange. I say strange because I wondered how they getting all this time to spend with all these people, and yet they don't seem like they go to work. So by the end I was pleasantly surprised that its all simulations within the app. That way it finds the right partner for you is if you want to rebel and escape with that person. Very good episode!

 The fifth one is only shot in black and white. It takes place in some post apocalyptic world where dog sized robots are human killing machines. You mainly follow this woman who tries to survive it all. While the robot doesn't look all that scary or intimidating, the scenes where still kind of tense. It is the more boring of all the episodes of this season, and I didn't quite liked it overall. I would suggest skipping this one.

 The last one is a really neat way to wrap up this season. A young woman goes into this Black Museum thats in like the middle of no where. The museum is run by one guy who gives her the tour, and she's the only visitor too. What I liked is that this museum had items from the previous episodes as its a museum of  "criminal technology." This seems like an episode to put some story ideas that didn't get their own episodes which I like. Interestingly enough, the guy who runs this museum is also responsible for some of the technology. He tells the young visitor the stories behind them. Though it all comes back to bite him when the visitor turns out that she's out for revenge on what he did to her father. I thought it was quite cool, and it even made me shed a tear.

 Overall, I like that this season was a bit different. Not as messed up, and not as depressing though it still wasn't totally happy and feel goody. Its a pretty good and satisfying season despite that one episode being a bit boring.

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