Lovecraft Country (2020)

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 Lovecraft Country is a horror show and is an adaptation of a novel of the same name. I heard this was good so I gave it a try and I've enjoyed it! While it does have monsters and magic, this is also set in the 1950s in Jim Crow America. The main characters are mainly black people so there is some strong racism and even homophobia and misogyny scenes throughout the whole story. There is also a decent amount of sex scenes and nudity. While I only recall a brief show of genitalia, there are a good amount of scenes with fully exposed breasts. Obviously since this is a horror show there are plenty of blood, gore, and violence and disturbing scenes in general. Despite the Lovecraft in the title there isn't much of it in this. The premise is the main character, Atticus, goes to find his missing father in Ardham, MA where Lovecraft based some of his stories from and its spirals from there. The story is not bad and the acting is great! So I do recommend it!

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