Persona 5 The Animation (2018)
The anime version of the Persona 5 game! The animation isn't the best, but its not bad. There is some new music for the anime so I do like that since the game's soundtrack is pretty great. The pacing of the anime is a bit quick so it may be a bit jarring for anyone who doesn't know the story. The game is like a 100 hours long so condensing it into the usual anime format it would cut some things. Though if you don't have the time or money to play the game, the anime is a good option to enjoy it.
Personally, I am enjoying it since the main protagonist character looks better in the anime style than his 3D model in the game in my opinion. I do like his design so I'm glad to be able to see more of him, and him talking since he barely talked in the game. Also his name in the anime, Amamiya Ren, is a nicer name than the manga name Kurusu Akira. There's only two episode so far, and I've enjoyed it. I may update this post once I watched more episodes to really say whether I'd recommend it or not.