
4:37:00 PM cc 0 Comments

  Abzu is by Giant Squid the same company behind the game Journey. I don't think its the exact same team since I didn't look at the credits. Regardless, if you like Journey then Abzu is quite similar to it. Its a exploration game and its a short game that you can finish in about 2 hours.

 You control this robot-y diver and go around unlocking doors and stuff. Like with Journey, there is not dialogue but your character can make little blips to interact with things. There is no online player feature like Journey did though. The music is gorgeous as always and its really moving and it sets the mood. Visually, it is quite colorful compare to Journey but its also stylized. I'm not a big fan of this kind of vector-y art, but it does well with this game. There are some areas that look better than others. I suppose with so many fish, this art style might help with the rendering or something?

 The game is quite slow at the start which is probably like that to make you explore and stuff. It does get better later on. I really enjoyed the experience and it has moved me in more than one instances. I think this would be really nice if it had VR capabilities. This game is enjoyable and relaxing so I definitely recommend it.

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