Nagatanien Ochazuke

6:12:00 PM cc 0 Comments

A friend of mine introduced this to me and it was surprisingly good. Ochazuke is a Japanese dish of basically green tea poured over rice with a couple of toppings. Dashi soup can be mixed with the green tea to give it a more soupy taste.

You can buy dry mix of ochazuke which is pretty good and easy to make. It has dried green tea pellets, nori, rice cracker pellets, and well MSG. The msg is probably what makes it good. The Nagatanien is usually the brand you see everywhere for ochazuke, and I really haven't seen any other alternatives. One bag comes with either 4 or 8 packets for about $3.

Directions are simple, just have 100 grams of rice and pour 150ml of water or green tea along with one packet onto the rice. Truth be told I don't really taste the difference between water and green tea. This packet is salty but I like it. Its a great simple dish for cold weather. You can't really taste any green tea, and it just taste like soup.

I recommend it, and it be a good cheap alternative food for college people!

Nagatanien Ochazuke Nori -

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