Iqqu's Acne Serum
My mom bought this for me, but its been used by the whole
family. I haven't used this consistently, but so far it doesn't effect my
acne at all despite how many reviews say it works. To be fair, many
acne preventive (not spot treatments) products tend to not work for me
so that probably means something else is the cause for them. What I
really like about this acne serum is that it not too expensive, and
doesn't have harsh ingredients or at least ingredients that have
difficult names. It doesn't have any strong odors, but it does have a bright
orange color. Which might seem weird to some of you, but its totally
fine and will be invisible once absorbed into your skin. Another great
thing about this serum is that it doesn't dry out your skin at all so I
think this product is definitely worth a try. Even if it doesn't do much
to your acne this is still great as a serum, and could help improve your
skin overall complexion.
You can buy Iqqu products from their online store
You can buy Iqqu products from their online store