Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

5:50:00 PM cc 0 Comments

  I heard a lot of good things about this movie which was a surprise to me. The trailer for it didn't look good to me plus I don't put a lot of faith into movie sequels. Though I saw it since people have talked about it like it was a masterpiece. I actually watched the original movie recently before I went to see this. If you haven't seen the old movie or don't remember much of it I do recommend giving it a watch.

 For a sequel, I do think that it is really good. It kept the same kind of style as the original movie too. The sound effects and the music is really haunting though. Its kind of alarming when the music gets intense, but Ryan Gosling's character is just staring and not moving. This is just my bias, but I'm not a fan of Gosling so I didn't care that much for his character. If someone else had played his character, I would've find this character more interesting. For a sequel character, I do think it is rather well done though. Even though the story is just "find this special kid" which isn't interesting as its been done countless times, the way this movie does it isn't as cringy. That's impressive to me. The other side characters were a bit interesting, but they didn't have as much character as the old movie side characters had.

 While I did enjoy this movie especially for its visuals, I'm not going to praise it as much as others have. There's a bit too many naked women bodies than I think was necessary to me. There's not a whole lot of scenes showing the kind of culture that goes on in the city. There was a few scenes that had Gosling's character in the street and interacting with locals. Would've liked a bit more of that happening. Even though there were a number of Asian culture influences, there were hardly any Asians in this movie. There weren't any sea of people shots like in the old movie that had a number of Asians in it. It really made this impressive city feel very empty. Also would've liked more Harrison Ford. He probably was in 1/4 of the movie. Overall I do like this movie and would recommend it!

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