Cox n' Crendor Podcast

11:37:00 PM cc 0 Comments

 If you want two guy being silly, I want to recommend you to give Cox n' Crendor a listen. This podcast can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, and Youtube. They even have some segments animated which are posted on this Youtube channel. These animated shorts get better and better especially in quality.

 The podcast is like a parody of a morning talk radio show. They start off talking about what they've been up to, and telling anything interesting or crazy that happened to them. Then they do traffic, weather, and sports. The traffic is made up and nonsensical, the weather they pick a random city, and sports id probably the most accurate as both are fan of sports. After those, they read off and talk about any weird or crazy news articles they find on the internet. Some of the articles they find or were sent to them are just stupidly hilarious.

 I do enjoy listening to these while I do work. Sometimes they do serve as good background noise as well, but they are also enjoyable to listen to on their own. The schedule for them does seem nonexistent as its not they're main content. They are Youtubers and Twitch streamers. They do put these out whenever they can. It can be weekly, bi weekly, and at times a month have passed by before another one is out. But they've been doing this podcast for years and I'm sure they will keep at it for years to come.

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