Persona 5 Cooperation

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When you're not fighting shadows, you can hang out with people. Hanging out with someone will increase favorability♪ with that person. Favorability♪ will level up their Cooperation Rank. Increasing that rank will give you abilities and other benefits.

Each person is assigned to one tarot card, and have their own set of Co-op rank abilities. A faster way to gain more favorability♪ to having a persona in your possession of the same tarot as the person you want to rank up.

They won't be available to hang out at any time. When you visit them, you can hang out with them if they have a white card in their speech bubble above them. If its not there it may not be the appropriate time of day, or maybe you didn't meet the requirement. Sometimes hanging out won't increase their rank. To check on Co-ops, go to the maps menu and select the top option that has the train icon. This will bring up a map of different spots. If there are Blue Cards on a spot or spots it means you can do Co-op there. When you press to get more info on a certain spot, it will list in detail what the Co-op is there. Under rank 1 Co-op are greyed out. If there's a UP!! next to the name, then hanging out with that person will benefit. If its not there, favorability won't increase. Even when the card and UP!! is there, if you don't have the required Social Stats, you can't hang out. Sometimes a Co-op will be locked and you will see their names greyed out. You will have to wait for them to get unlocked to resume ranking them.

This post in WIP. The information is based on the Japanese version of the game. Spoilers will be blacked out. Highlight them to read them. Names are written with last name first.

The Fool 愚者 Igor イゴール
Ranks starts on 4/12. It will rank up as you progress through the story.

The Magician 魔術師 Morgana モルガナ
Rank starts on 4/15. It will rank up as you progress through the story.

The Priestess 女教皇 Niijima Makoto 新島 真
Must have Knowledge/Intelligence rank 3 and cleared Kaneshiro's Palace. Speak to her outside the Student Counsil Room which is on the 3rd floor by the library in the school.
Location: At school (front gate or outside the student counsil room)
Time: After school (day)

The Empress 女帝 Okumura Haru 奥村 春
Talk to Haru after clearing Okumura's Palace

The Emperor 皇帝 Kitagawa Yuusuke 喜多川 祐介
Talk to him in Shibuya Underground Walkway after 6/14 event. He has the ability to make skill cards. You will need Dexterity Rank 4 to go beyond Co-op rank 5.
Location: Shibuya station Underground (stands outside the lower left entrance to Central street)
Time: After school (day)

The Hierophant 法王 Sakura Soujirou 佐倉惣治郎
You can talk to him starting on 4/20. Leveling this Co-op gives you the ability to make coffee and curry which are recovery items.
Location: LeBlanc
Time: Night

The Lovers 恋愛 Takamaki An (Anne) 高巻 杏
Rank starts on 4/15.
Requires Kindness Rank 2 to rank up, and you need to wait till 5/6 before you can hang out.
Located at: 2-D classroom, Underground Mall
Time: After school, noon (on holidays)
Day of the week: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

The Chariot 戦車 Sakamoto Ryuuji 坂本 竜司
Rank starts on 4/12.
 Located at: Near the stairs outside class 2-D, Arcade
 Time: After school, noon (on holidays)
 Spots: Ogikubo (ramen place)

Justice 正義 Akechi Goro 明智吾郎
  Starts on 6/10 after an event.

The Hermit 隠者

Wheel of Fortune 運命 Mifune Chihaya 御船千早
 You can talk her once Shinjuku spot is available. You can find her in the first street on the right right by where Mishima is standing. She takes a few steps to star her Co-op rank. After talking to her first, you will need to talk to her again and buy the Holy Stone for 100,000 yen. Talk to her a third time and you will get a new Mementos mission. You will to complete this mission and talk to her afterwards to start her Co-op. Mementos missions are like entering Palace, it will take up your whole day so you should try to save time by having multiple missions to do in one Mementos trip. Leveling this Co-op will give you increased social parameteres/skill when you gain them, and favorability with someone.
Location: Shinjuku
Time: Night (not raining)

Strength 剛毅 Caroline & Justine Jailor Twins
 When you go to the Velvet Room on 5/18, the twins request a Jack Frost persona with the skill Mabufu. You can fuse or capture one. Fulfilling their requested personas will rank up their Co-op. Leveling this Co-op will give you more options in Velvet Room.
Location: Velvet Room

The Hanged Man 刑死者 Iwai Munehisa 岩井宗久
 When you complete the first palace, a event will happen at Munehisa's shop. You will need Courage Rank 4 to be able to start his Co-op rank. Leveling this Co-op will give you the option to customize your guns.
Location: Shibuya weapon store
Time: Night

Death 死神 Takemi Tae
 You can visit the clinic on 4/18. Requires Courage Rank 2 to Co-op Rank 1 and Appeal Rank 4 to Co-op Rank 8. Leveling this Co-op will increase the items that she will sell you.
Location: Clinic
Time: After school/noon
Increases Courage

Temperance 節制 Kawakami Sadayo 川上貞代
 After you clear Madarame's Palace An event will happen between you, Ryuuji, and Mishima about a Maid service. Talk to Mishima at night to start another event. After the event, find Kawakami at school and talk to her. You will now have the ability to call her on the phone at Leblanc. You need Courage Rank 2 to call her. Getting her asap is key as you can do things like read a book, making tools, or study to rank up Knowledge during class.
Location: Leblanc's telephone, will cost 5000yen to hang out (use her service)
Time: Night

The Devil 悪魔 Ooya Ichiko 大宅一子
 After an event on 6/22, you can talk to her in the bar にゅうカマー Leveling this Co-op will make palace alert percentage harder to increase and lower palace alert percentage on the next day.
Location: Shinjuku bar
Time: Night

The Tower 塔

The Star 星 Tougou Hifumi 東郷一二三
 After hearing about a female shougi player at the church, you can find her at the Kanda church at night. You must have Appeal Rank 3 to start her Co-op rank.
Location: Church
Time: Night
Increase Knowledge

The Moon 月 Mishima Yuuki 三島由輝
 Starts on 5/6. He gives you the ability to do Mementos. Leveling this Co-op will make the members not in your party gain more experience.
Located at: Shibuya Central Street (stands by the Gyuudon place), Shinjuku
Time: Night

The Sun 太陽 Yoshida Toranosuke 吉田寅之助
 He's the old man politician in Shibuya Square. Since he does his speech at night, you have to wait till 5/6 when you can go out at night to be able to start his Co-op. When you talk to him and answer 興味ある but he will refuse you. You will have to go work at the 牛丼屋 Gyuudon place then talk to him again with the same answer 興味ある. Then go work at the 牛丼屋 Gyuudon place again and again talk to him 興味ある and then finally answer 手伝いたい. Leveling this Co-op will give you better loot from demon negotiations, and better chances of getting personas to join you.
Location: Shibuya Square
Time: Night
Day of the week: Sunday
Increase Appeal

Judgement 審判 Niijima Sae 新島冴
 Starts on 7/9. Rank levels as story progresses.

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