Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ Farming

9:48:00 PM cc 0 Comments

Cheshire Cat: Mission 63 (Dropped by Red Pretender sometimes, doesn't always appear)
Merlin: Mission 158 (Drops about half the time)
Fairy Godmother: Mission 270 (Drops most of the time)
Yen Sid: Mission 247 (Dropped by Blue Pretender half the time)
Fantasia Mickey Ver. A: Mission 270 (Drops sometimes)

Since there's a 1 AP special at the moment, its a great time to farm stuff. I'm using this time to build Guilt to my medals which requires evolving. These missions has helped me with that.

Other KH posts:

Kingdom Hearts Unchained  χ Review
Kingdom Hearts Unchained  χ Tips
Explaining Kingdom Hearts

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