Dark Souls 3

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The last game in the Dark Souls series though I'm sure From will continue to make game that are probably similar like Bloodborne was. This 3rd installment is better than Dark Souls 2 in a number of ways. This post is just my thoughts on the game and there will be spoilers so do not continue to read this if you don't want to be spoiled!

This game is probably what people wanted Dark Souls 2 to be since its heavily referenced Dark Souls 1. Well lots of things from Dark Souls 1 are in the game which Dark Souls 2 lacked severely. This game definitely is a legit sequel to Dark Souls 1 which I personally liked a lot since it is my favorite game. Though since it also has many Dark Souls 2 stuff, this game is definitely set after both games. This game also has a very Demon Souls and Bloodborne feel to it in terms of area design.

One of the things I like the most about this game is the NPC questlines. The lore and npc are what I enjoy the most about Dark Souls and while the NPCs in Dark Souls 1 are still my favorite, Dark Souls 3 is does have the better NPC questlines. They intertwine, can branch out, and are interesting. They are also difficult so you might need guides to complete their stories. Anri's storyline is one of the most interesting and unique questline in all the souls game. Depending on the gender of you character, Anri takes the opposite. This is because part of their questline involves marriage. There is another path to their questline where you don't marry them. Anri's questine is also part of another NPC's questline which is required to get one of the game's Endings. The other NPCs are simpler but they all kind of mirror previous game's NPC. For example, Siegward is a Catarina Knight that's very similar to Siegmeyer from Dark Souls 1. Siegward is also part of two other NPCs questline.

Another interesting part of the NPCs is that you can also get summoned to their world at certain points. These are usually tie into their questline. The NPCs that sell you stuff have an interesting mechanic where you have to find items to give them in order to expand their wares. I quite like this since it also triggers the NPC to have something to say about it. Some of the items are from the previous games too. NPCs from previous games even appear but mostly as corpses which is pretty sad.

The enemies in this game are a bit more unique than the other games. They definitely look like the same kind of horror design from Bloodborne. There are some disturbing looking monsters. I like the addition of angel winged monsters. There are monsters that transform too which is really neat to watch, but they move quite fast. One type is the abyssal ones that have this black messy mass moving crazily around. There doesn't seem to be a story tie into this neat kind of enemies sadly, but hope the DLC would make up for it because I am intrigued about it the most in this game. We can't forget dragons. The dragons are mainly there to spread fire everywhere so its very Demon Souls like. There is also a weirder type of dragon that are like roots of a plant. There are troll like giants too where you only come up to their ankles. They tend to be indoors with chains on since it seems their enslaved there or something. Strangely there's not spider enemies though there are a couple that just a creepy. 

As for the bosses, I don't think they are designed the best but they are interesting. The Rotted Greatwood is a interesting looking boss, and very creepy with whatever is inside of it. Though having the square the eggs that are hilariously placed at its crotch is just silly. There is also a fair amount of gimmick bosses which is silly, but also interesting in how the gimmick is done. Yhorm is mainly beaten with a sword you find in the boss room called Storm Ruler. The same exact sword from Demon Souls that is also used to defeat a boss.  The Ancient Wyvern is a boss that you one hit kill once you've managed to get to the spot. Its not obvious, but it is since lots of people leave signs to it. One of the cooler bosses is the Abyss Watchers where it has some cool cutscenes. Whats neat about this boss is the added red eye watcher that comes in and fights against the boss till. The second phase also is very Lady Maria-esque from Bloodborne. Another one I like is the Nameless King. Its just cool overall and very difficult. I've noticed some of the bosses have their weapons in flames which kind of annoyed me at first, but the fire thing is important to the story I suppose. Aldrich was heartbreaking for me since he devoured Gwyndolin from Dark Souls 1 and even took on his appearance. I like Gwyndolin so it sadden me to see this is how he ended up.

Now for areas, this game is gorgeous and has some gorgeous views. The environments are pretty good too. As I've said before, the design is quite Demon Souls and Bloodborne like. Irithyll is quite pretty and I'm always a fan of snowy places. It does has a very Bloodborne Yharnam look to it just not as dark. It was even better that Anor Londo is attached at the top for some reason. A snowy Anor Londo is nice too and the whole area has this strangely bright night sky too like it should be. The Lothric area is also nice and has a different kind of castle-like area than Anor Londo and Irithyll. While there are some annoying areas, I don't find them to be as hellish as areas in previous games like Blighttown. The lore of the game is kind of interesting but I'm not good at making any sense of it.

Overall, this game is pretty good and would recommend it. The PC port is a little weird since it may have fps issues even with high specs for some reason.

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